KRUSHNA’S ASHTAKAVARGA SYSTEMS The Astrological Timing of Events
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"To everything there is a season and
a time to every purpose under heaven

  sesson kas-dimension
A Time to Sow and a Time to Reap

The purpose of this website is to learn and explore the astrological and ancient vedic system of Ashtarkavarga as was taught to Krushna Jugalkalani by his guru, the late Shri BrijGopal Shastri of Amravati, India. (see photo on the left).

While studying with him, Krushna learned much valuable and ancient information not found in modern textbooks today. He started his studies as an astrologer in 1961 and in 1966, he moved away from his guru and eventually lost all contact with him. Several years had gone by while Krushna had immersed himself in long detailed studies of this ancient system and realized that many of the lessons he had learned from his old guru needed to be studied once again in greater detail. So he returned once more to his native place and was dismayed to discover that his beloved guru had passed on. Because Shri Shastri had married late in life, his children were much too small to appreciate and understand this wonderful science. Since all of  his treasures and lessons and knowledge meant nothing to his heirs, they discarded all of it and sold off whatever they could.  Krushna was totally disheartened at the thought of it all being destroyed and although much of the knowledge that he had learned from his guru was still in his notes, he felt it was inadequate. However he realized that whatever he did have, was sufficient enough to study and do research on and apply in a totally new direction.

This site is dedicated to Shri BrijGopal Shastri and to the exploration and research study of this system as Krushna learned it throughout his 50 years as an astrologer and has so generously passed it on to those of you out there who are meant to benefit by it.
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